Taste. Learn.
Connect. Celebrate

Big Purple Table makes tasting and learning about wine - and spending time with your favorite people - easy, fun, and memorable by presenting events that fit your style and budget. Perfect for any occasion, but why wait?

BPT also proudly supports members of all communities in securing access, equality, belonging, and justice - including in the world of wine. If you are part of a community that is underrepresented in the wine industry, or know someone who is, reach out to connect! BPT is always looking for talented wine professionals of all backgrounds and identities to feature in tastings, recommendations, and news alerts.

Welcome! You always have a seat at the Big Purple Table.

Amber Sizemore

Certified Specialist of Wine

My love affair with wine, food, and bringing people together goes way back. I started BPT to share everything I have learned, help you enjoy your favorite wine even more and find new ones to love, and make it easy for you to enjoy time with your favorite people.